Sunday, September 21, 2008

Musky Shows The Way

--->Three friedns, Musky, Samba and chital, were walking throught the forest. suddently they fell into a deep pit-trap dug by a hunter! the three friends panicked. they jumped and jumped butbut could not climb out of the pit. the pit was very deep and they were for away from any help.

--->After trying many times, Samba and chital were exhausted. Samba cried. "this is impossible! we are going to die here." But musky said "dont give up soon".I have an idea Let's try together. Musky explained what she had in mind. Samba and chital were not too convinced but decided to give it a try.

--->Samba stood at the bottom. musky climbed on him and chital climbed on musky now chital was easily able to jumb out of the pit and run for help!

--->Soon with the help of some villagers, all three friedns were out! Tehy were happy that they had helped ecah other. they knew theay would never have escaped othrewise.

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